JV Organic Sustainability Highlights

Sustainability Highlights


Crop Protection and Integrated Pest Management (IPM)

  • All our crops are certified organic
  • We use non-chemical IPM practices – crop rotation, build soil to increase plant pest resistance, use pest resistant seed varieties
  • We provide an environment for beneficial insects like syrphid flies, lacewings, big-eyed bugs and ladybugs



Economic Viability

  • We watch the triple bottom line - People, Planet and Profit
  • We periodically evaluate & update long-term business plan
  • We respond to changes in economic, marketplace & technology conditions
  • We invest in new technologies to improve efficiencies for harvest & irrigation – custom-designed harvest equipment & permanent set irrigation system to reduce labor, variable speed drive pump to save energy costs


Ecosystems & Biodiversity

  • We take a holistic approach to farming, California Certified Organic Farmer (CCOF)
  • We build and preserve soil to sustain nutrients via crop rotation, compost, cover cropping – encourages beneficial microbes & organisms (like worms!)
  • We preserve non-farmed habitat to promote biodiversity



Energy Management

  • We are always looking for opportunities to reduce our use of non-renewable fuels with energy-efficient tractors and implements
  • We perform regular equipment maintenance for peak performance & fuel efficiency
  • We have installed electric irrigation pumps with variable speed drive to reduce energy use
  • We monitor our electricity use & employ practices that reduce energy and costs where possible



Fertilizer Management

  • Compost, cover cropping and only organic fertilizers (fish emulsion, chicken pellets) are used to provide slow release of nutrients & build soil organic matter
  • Soil & water testing helps us to develop an individual crop fertilizer strategy by understanding what nutrients are already present



Food Safety

  • Committed to producing the safest food possible and maintaining a culture of food safety throughout our operation
  • Food Safety plan updated annually by Director of Food Safety
  • Regular internal & external third-party program audits
  • Leafy Greens Marketing Agreement verified for all our produce



Social Accountability

  • Our employee wages & benefits exceed the Western Growers Association industry averages
  • We maintain a fair, friendly & pleasant work environment
  • We conduct job specific training, weekly on-site health & safety education
  • We encourage community volunteer work & donate produce for local fundraisers
  • Our managers promote the benefits of organic produce at local schools and host farm tours to show students where their food comes from



Soil Management and Conservation

  • We are focused on building soils - healthy soils promote healthy plants and a healthy environment (& less crop protection materials)
  • We increase water infiltration and reduce erosion through practices that build organic matter and reduce compaction - compost, cover cropping, minimum tillage, GPS guided tractors and deep ripping only in the furrows
  • We conduct annual advanced laboratory testing to monitor soil health



Material Management and Waste Reduction

  • We have implemented a company-wide recycling program in 2014
  • We have set a goal to achieve Zero Waste by 2017
  • We conducted a waste audit to establish a baseline to measure improvement over time
  • We have implemented training and documented a standard operating procedure for recycling
  • We have installed signage and accessible recycling receptacles
  • We are monitoring and documenting program progress



Water Management

  • Water is a precious resource and we have implemented practices and programs to conserve the amount of water we use and protect the quality of water leaving our fields
  • Our permanent set sprinkler system allows us to irrigate parts of our fields separately - applying water only where it is needed
  • Composting & cover cropping improve water filtration, eliminate soil & nutrient runoff
  • The winter cover cropping program helps to hold nutrients in the soil, reducing the risk of running off to surface or groundwater during winter rains